Member Code of Conduct

Atherton Tablelands Promotion Bureau Ltd, t/as Tourism Atherton Tablelands Code of Conduct outlines the professional guidelines to ensure the conduct of our partners positively contributes and  enhances the tourism industry.

Completion and signature of the Partnership Application Form and ongoing commitment to renewing your partnership contribution, constitutes a binding agreement to be a partner of Tourism Atherton Tablelands in accordance with these terms and conditions.

“Partnership” and “Partners” is defined as “Membership” and “Members” in the the Company Constitution.

  • Partnerships are valid from 1st July to 30th June.
  • Renewals are emailed to all partners early July annually.
  • The partnership structure provides a checklist of benefits based on your partnership level. Requests for any additional benefit will need to be submitted in writing, and will require formal written approval by the Board of Directors.
  • The partner agrees to ensure that their conduct or any information or material provided by them or published for them does not contain any defamatory, slanderous, misleading or deceptive material or any infringement of copyright which otherwise contravene laws and regulations in force within Australia.
  • Tourism Atherton Tablelands reserves the right to refuse any substandard materials and to edit copy and images supplied.
  • The partner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tourism Atherton Tablelands from and against all losses, liabilities, proceedings, claims, expenses and other costs arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with their partnership arrangement.
  • The partner agrees to operate a safe, healthy and satisfying working environment for staff, customers and the public; hold valid licences and permits as required for the business operations and operate their business guided by environmental best practice guidelines,  and conserving water, energy and the natural environment.
  • Members of Tourism Atherton Tablelands acknowledge and agree that to access and participate in programs, campaigns and opportunities, they are responsible for ensuring that they obtain and maintain any permits, insurances, licences and accreditations required (if any); and adhere to any legal requirements associated with the program, campaign or opportunity, including complying with any laws, directions of any authority or Notices.
  • Tourism Atherton Tablelands will not be liable in any manner for loss or damage to any film, artworks, or other materials, which may be supplied
  • Tourism Atherton Tablelands is not an Inbound Tour Operator, wholesaler or travel agent and cannot negotiate on behalf of partners. All contracts are to be negotiated direct.
  • All partnership applications are presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • In accordance with the organisation’s constitution Tourism Atherton Tablelands and its Board of Directors reserve the right to withdraw partnerships if it is deemed to be unsuitable for the tourism industry.
  • Membership of Tourism Atherton Tablelands entitles partners to display their brochures in the accredited visitor information centres managed by Tablelands Regional Council and Mareeba Shire Council. This benefit is in accordance with Tablelands Regional Council and Mareeba Shire Council’s individual brochure display guidelines. Additional brochures displayed are subject to the level of partnership.