Destination Website

The destination website receives of 750,000 page views per year and on average, 15,000 visitors per month.  The site provides visitors all the information they need to plan their holiday to the Atherton Tablelands.  The site showcases over 380 listings covering the many products, experiences, towns and travel tips to inspire the visitor to stay longer, and see more. 

The current site was provided to the region at no cost to members or Council and continues to be the number 1 resource for the visitors and the community to access destination information. 

Features of the website include travel tips (blogs), a travel directory, maps, brochures, destination information, a wish-list feature (the backpack), booking capabilities for some listings, links to our social media platforms, video collateral, campaign activity and current imagery showcasing the region.

Only members of Tourism Atherton Tablelands are listed on the website.

Another initiative delivered by Tourism Atherton Tablelands